Professional Achievements:
Facilitated copyright/trademark process and logo usage policy and licensing agreement for
Liberty Public Schools and DeKalb County School District.Developed multi-pronged media relations program in DeKalb County School District, enabling district to respond to an average of 200 media contacts monthly.
Co-created guidelines to establish education foundation in DeKalb County Schools.
Co-developed city-wide ethics program for the City of Fort Worth.
Developed district-wide media policy for Fort Worth and Cincinnati schools.
Spearheaded school bond/levy campaigns.
Implemented school communications ambassador program in Fort Worth schools.
Guided multiple superintendent search communications efforts.
Launched student and employee recognition honors in Kansas City schools.
Led effort to raise more than $150,000 annually to provide backpacks with school supplies to K-8 students in Kansas City.
School public relations award recipient in Fort Worth and Kansas City
Aurora Award recipient in DeKalb County Schools